Saturday, June 5, 2010


Just a quick shout out to one of my bestest friends in the world: "HEY JEN!"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

First and foremost

This is my attempt to let other men out there know that they're not alone. Being a 39 year old Husband, Father of 3, and son in today's society has put some demands on how I'm supposed to think, feel, and react to things; and, by God, I'm tired of feeling like an ostracized member of society. Believe it or not, I have feelings too and I'm sick & frickin' tired of feeling like I don't count! Like I'm supposed to suck it up and be a man just because I "feel" a certain way! Well, guess what?!!? I'm not sucking it up anymore. I'm gonna react and voice how I feel and screw you if you don't like it! This forum gives me (and every other man out there) a place to vent and say what I want to say to say on a daily basis and damn the consequences!
Alrighty then, we've got the formalities outta the way... I challenge you men (AND women) to voice your opinions, thoughts, and feelings about whatever is on your mind! This is an open forum for you to say what you truly feel and believe! No holds barred!
I will be popping off my opinions, beliefs, and ideas from time to time and challenge you to do the same!